This shade-grown coffee is from Finca El Bosque de Don Roberto in Agua Buena, Costa Rica. Grown at 1100 meters of altitude by the Jiménez-Herrera family, the wonderfully smooth chocolate notes of these arabica beans can be attributed to agroecological farming practices and honey processing.
A single-origin coffee, it is the result of a unique partnership between the Jiménez-Herrera family, Corberosa Coffee Roasters and the Cal Poly College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. $4.50 per pound funds scholarships for Cal Poly students to participate in agroecology and intercultural exchange programs in Agua Buena. The Jiménez-Herrera family receives $6 per pound, a 240% premium over current coffee prices.
Medium roast. Sun Dried, Honey Processed, Whole Bean.
To find out more about Cal Poly sustainable agriculture programs in Agua Buena:
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